BJ & Harmony Colangelo — This Ends At Prom — Interview

We reviewed the film podcast This Ends At Prom in late 2023, and were suitably effusive in highlighting the the unfiltered joy and irresistible charm that the Wives Colangelo bring to their discussion of coming-of-age teen girl cinema.

So now, colour us delighted to share an interview with BJ and Harmony to take a deeper dive into the world of TEAP! They talk about the advantages and challenges of podcasting in 2024, their dream guest(s), and they manage to reference half a dozen other podcasts along the way, so now we’ve even more content to check out. And isn’t that why we’re all here?

BJ and Harmony Colangelo. Photo by Rae Mystic

When did you start listening to podcasts and what was the first you were a fan of?

Harmony: I’m actually not a big podcast listener because I’m too busy editing our podcast, but my first introduction was the Completely Unnecessary Podcast with Pat Contri and Ian Ferguson. Ironically, it was a show I first discovered on YouTube, rather than an actual podcast. I was starting to have a bit more disposable income as an adult and was getting into all of the stuff I couldn’t afford as a kid, like video games. Their podcast became my gateway to a lot of the early 2010s YouTube video game culture, and I still follow a lot of these shows even today.

