Celebrity Book Club Podcast Review

The Pitch:

Chelsea Devantez recaps memoirs from badass celebrity women.

The Product:

For me, 2021 was the year of the celebrity memoir. I was surprised by this, but my Goodreads Reading Challenge Tracker doesn’t lie. For years fantasy novels were my escape from reality, but apparently my brain craved a different type of structured escapism last year. Maybe some kind of subconscious yearning for a recent but simpler, less pandemic-filled time, who knows?

And so, with this new data obtained, it only made sense to lean in and go on the hunt for some podcasts about celebrity memoirs. And the first find, with the best use of SEO and/or the algorithm is Celebrity Book Club with Chelsea Devantez!

I feel like celebrity autobiographies are somewhat niche as an interest and to further narrow down the topic Chelsea and her guests focus on books from women who have lived life in the public eye. A new episode drops every two weeks and honestly there are so many memoirs by interesting women I didn’t even realise the ladies-only stipulation was at play.

This is one of the simpler reviews that I’m likely to do. It’s the type of straightforward and effective product that Ron Swanson would listen to on Podcasts and Stuff, the media wing of Food and Stuff. The

