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Our Fake History Podcast Review


The Pitch:

A podcast about myths we think are history and history that might be hidden in myths.

The Product:

I love podcasts like this. Our Fake History takes events or people that everyone knows everything about and then hits you with info that shows you for the dumb toddler you really are. But in a nice way.

If you want a deep dive on the whole ‘Shakespeare was illiterate’ theory — or the probably less-known ‘Napoleon shot the nose off The Sphinx’ story — then stick OFH in your earholes.

Each episode — and there are now 100+ — is crafted with care, researched well, and presented in an engaging way. It is produced so well, but also so clearly a passion project, that it’s hard to tell if it’s part of a well-oiled network or the work of one obsessive history nerd.

Some cursory research reveals that while it was picked up in 2017 by a pretty substantial Canadian media company, the production — right down to the music — is handled by the host Sebastian Major, with help from his wife Beth Lorimer. And that makes me like it even more.

Can You Sleep To It?

You probably could. But could you live with yourself? Think of Sebastian and Beth and how disappointed they would be.

Recommended Episode:

Why not learn Who Invented Rock N Roll?



Podcasteroid — A Podcast Review Blog
Podcasteroid — A Podcast Review Blog

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